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Building Consciousness by Building the Future


Representing the forefront of a new movement.

Prica Global aims to be a community leader by bringing forward-thinking ideas and visions into reality. From our innovative Geothermal Energy and Heating systems, to our integration of a variety of housing types into residential neighbourhoods and commercial buildings, we lead by pushing the boundaries of what is possible, and then moving beyond them. All with the goal of helping people by using technology, innovation, and creative design, to build long-lasting communities and relationships.

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When Prica Global Enterprises (PGE), developed our site The Hub, located at 130 Columbia St. W in Waterloo, we installed the largest open loop geothermal system in all of Canada. Our innovative design and construction team were able to create the largest water well geothermal source in Canada. Since being installed in 2017, this geothermal energy, helps power our 8 building property, home to just over 600 units, and saves 40-60% on heating and cooling costs annually.  

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255 Sunview St. Waterloo

Located on a hill, with University Avenue to the south, the building is planned to accommodate pedestrian movements. The primary entrance is located at the southeast corner of the podium, closest to University Avenue, to accept pedestrian flows from the busy primary street. Residential units along Sunview street stretch north from the entrance, with their own patios and private entrances. The podium form is lowered in the southeast corner to provide amenity rooftop and interior spaces overlooking the entrance and the street. The resulting design is a building that is uniquely suited to its environment and whose form is generated through its relationship with the site. 

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131 University Ave. W Waterloo

Situated within proximity to 2 major universities along a major regional corridor, 131 offers pedestrians a series of pathways connecting them to the site and the surrounding area, providing a long-awaited solution for the student on foot. The north façade’s ‘visual pathway’ will incorporate a lighting feature that is a beacon along University Avenue and acts as an urban wayfinding and focal point.

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